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Template Template#0665
Owners: Eri , unknown Library:
Use & Create your own Discord server templates available on!
Owners: Eri , unknown Prefix: t.

Discord Templates Bot

Official bot of & Create your own communities with our awesome Discord server templates. Build your own kingdom.

Template bot allows anyone to use templates in your own existing and new servers, but also to create templates of your existing servers!
A few options are added in it for a better user experience.

Planning to use a template in an existing server? You can…

  • Keep your channels & roles without deleting them from your server.
  • Only use a template’s channels or roles or both in your server!
  • Ignore some channels from getting deleted.

Planning to create a template of your server? You can…

  • A few options for server syncing, which is an upcoming feature
  • Exclude some secret and/or public channels from getting added in your template.

Commands List

Command Name Description Permission Main command of the bot. Allows you to check all available commands of the bot. Everyone Get the API latency of the bot. Everyone
t.invite Returns the invite links of the bot with proper permissions links. Everyone Returns our Discord Server's invite link for support, questions, bug reports and more. Everyone
t.use {code} [options] Use a template from our website in your website. Requires a template code. Leave options empty for more info. Server Owner
t.create [options] Create a template of your server for public listing. Leave options empty for more info. Server Admin