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Form Form#1761
create forms & applications within discord such as Suggestion, Staff, Survey applications
Owner: Mido Prefix: /


Helps you to create forms & applications within discord such as Suggestion, Staff, Survey applications with a role as reward when user submits.

Example (Suggestion Application)

How to create a form?

1. create an empty form, with slash command

2. Add the form’s fields

  • Title Field

  • Details Field

3. (optional) attach a reward role when submit

Test it out

  1. Use /form to show the form to submit

  2. Fill your data and press submit

  3. Check your roles, the reward role should be granted (in this case Creative Mind)

Commands List

Command Brief description
/help see my help and get started!
/form submit a form created for this server
/create-form Create a new form
/add-field to add a field in a form
/reward-role Reward your user with a role when submits to the form
/delete-field to delete a field from a form
/delete-form delete a form
/edit-field to edit a field from in a form
/edit-form edit a form title,…
/invite to invite me to your server
/ping check on me if i’m still alive
/vote to support me and show your appreciation


Support Server
Bot invitation