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MC Server Scanner MC Server Scanner#3477
Cornbread 2100
A Minecraft server scanner discord bot


This bot itself doesn’t do the scanning, it just pings servers in the existing database, which is actively expanded by a seperate scanning program. (The code for the server scanner can be found here:

If you find any bugs, please report them in the official discord.

You can contact me via discord: Cornbread 2100#8668



Sends the bot’s list of commands


Sends some stats about the bot


Gets a random Minecraft server ă…¤

/pingserver <ip> <port>

gets info from a server



The ip address of the server


The port of the server ă…¤

/search <scan> [minonline] [maxonline] [playercap] [isfull] [version] [hasimage] [description] [strictdescription] [player]

searches for a server with specific properties


scan (integer)

How many servers to scan in the search. Use /stats to find the total servers available for scan.

minonline (integer)

The minimum number of players online

maxonline (integer)

The maximum number of players online (not to be confused with the server’s maximum player capacity (playerCap))

playerCap (integer)

The maximum player capacity of the server

isfull (true/false)

Whether or not the server is full

version (version number)

The version of the server

hasimage (true/false)

Whether or not the server has a custom thumbnail image

description (text)

The description of the server

strictdescription (true/false)

(Used with the description argument) If true, the server’s description has to perfectly match the description argument. If false, the server’s description only has to contain the description argument.

player (player name)

Searches for the server a player is currently playing on.