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Tributify Tributify#6220
A bot to send/receive gifts and tips within your server.
Owner: CR Prefix: $

WishTribute Gifting Bot


The users who want to receive gifts should have an account on WishTribute with Stripe & Discord connected.


$announcement-items #channel

When you run this command, the bot will notify in the specified channel whenever someone (who has run $notify-items) in the server adds a new item in their wishlist. Must have MANAGE_GUILD permissions to run this command.


If the server has an announcement-items channel setup using the previous command, people with wishlists on WishTribute can use this command to enable notifying their newly added items in that channel.

$gift @User amount

You can send a cash gift/tip to a server member by typing this command. Example: To send someone $10, type: $gift @User 10

$announcement-gifts #channel

You can enable gift notifications using this command. Whenever someone sends a gift to a user, the bot will mention this in the specified channel. Must have MANAGE_GUILD permissions to run this command.


To see the help for the bot