The polls are completely managed over the Context Message menu from Discord.
The bot is made by sattler.dev

How to use Polls!
You might already ask yourself why there are /poll
, /quick
and /simple
. Let's understand the differences:
- Quick (/quick): The fastest way to create a poll. Create a poll with up to 2 answers, and the time and channel option.
- Simple (/simple): The easiest way to create a poll. Create a poll with up to 17 answers and all settings in a concise design.
- Poll (/poll): The most customizable way to create a poll. Create a poll with up to 25 answers and all settings in a user-friendly UI.
Which permissions do you need to create a poll?
By default you need one of the following permissions: Manage Guild, Administrator, Manage Channels, Manage Messages. However, once set up, you can also create polls by having a poll manager role.