Bot icon
Boat Boat#4389
+, mention, or custom
Unique image commands, reminders, and more. A bot made in Rust.
Owner: Amoo Prefix: +, mention, or custom

Commands by category:


These commands are only available to people with the Administrator role in the server the command is invoked in.

Command Description
prefix Changes the prefix of the bot.
prune Prunes the given amount of messages.
role disable Disables the ability to join a role via the join command.
role enable Enables the ability to join a role via the join command.


Most of these commands will get image arguments from the post in the following order:

  1. A mentioned user’s avatar
  2. A URL
  3. An attachment
  4. The invoker’s avatar

If none match, the command will fail. If multiple are sent, only the first will work.

Command Description
ascii Turns a given image into an ascii representation. (Sent as an image)
avatar Gives a direct link to an avatar
bobross Puts a given image into a Bob Ross painting
car Uses Content Aware Resizing on a given image
deviant Puts a given image into Connor’s screen
distort Distorts an image. Currently only works well on certain images.
fakequote Create a fake Discord quote
gun Point a gun at an image
hat Put a bad hat on an image
hats List the available hats to pass to the hat command
latex Parse latex math stuff
orin Put a dancing Orin on an image
outline Make a glowy outline of an image
pixelate Pixelate an image
reduce Reduce the color space of an image
spirit Put an image into the comic strip
web Create a web of colors from an image


Command Description
join Join a role that was enabled via the admin command “role enable”
leave Leave a role that was joined via the join command


Command Description
8ball Query a magic 8-ball
about Print info about the bot
badjoke Legacy command. Lists shitty Touhou related jokes. May be NSFW.
info Information about the bot
invite Get the invite URL for the bot
joke Pulls from a small list of short jokes
kao Print a random Kaomoji from a list of thousands
permissions Print a list of permissions that the bot requires and why they are required
ping Simple ping command
talk Generate a random sentence by combining a bunch of books together


Command Description
choice Helps you choose from a list of options
remind Set a reminder to be DM’d to you later
roll Roll some dice using dice notation


Command Description
cat Post a random cat image
rabbit Post a random image of Tewi Inaba
weather Get the weather from a location via DarkSky
xkcd Get an XKCD comic