See my website for full command documentation and examples!
k!help Show all of my commands that are enabled in this channel.
k!j Search for a Japanese word. You can use the reaction buttons to view more information too, like kanji information and example sentences.
k!kanji Search for information about a kanji.
k!strokeorder Search for kanji stroke order diagrams and graphics.
k!quiz Test your knowledge! I have kanji and kana reading quizzes for all levels, plus English vocabulary quizzes.
k!leaderboard Check your place on the quiz leaderboard. Users have correctly answered more than a million questions so far!
k!shiritori Start a game of shiritori.
k!translate Translate text between languages.
k!furigana Render furigana for Japanese text.
k!examples Search for example sentences.
k!jukebox I will choose a Japanese song for you and send you a Youtube link. Hope you like Touhou and vocaloid!
k!weblio Search the dictionary for a Japanese word.
k!pronounce Search for pronunciation information about a certain word.
k!random Search Jisho for a random word. You can specify a JLPT or ζΌ’ζ€ level if you want. Example: k!random N3, k!random 2k
k!settings Configure my settings, including prefix.
k!about Show some meta information about me.