April Bot
A Discord bot to welcome your user with images or dm
Commands β’ Helpdesk β’ Support server
Key Features
- Web dashboard
- π Welcome user with images or dm
- Allow to customize background image
- Allow to personalize welcome message and direct message
- Send a goodbye image when user leaves your server
- Prevent word abusing such as swearing or racism with Banword
- Allow user to self assign user by using reactions to a message with ReactionRole
- Automatically assign roles to new users with Autorole
- Let user self-assign role chosen from your with Selfrole
- Provide a basic event login to know always what happened while you werenβt on Discord
- Allow to have custom command with personalised response
- Change easily April prefix
- Advanced deleting message that support a lot of ways to delete unwanted messages
How to use
April default prefix is !
but you can change the prefix at anytime by using
!Prefix set [New prefix]
e.g. !Prefix set a?
and all commands now will start
with a?
e.g. a?ping
, a?botinfo
. In case your forgot April prefix
you can always mention April and type the command.
To start using April Type in chat !Help
. If you need help with a command visit
April commands or type !Help [Command]
!Help Welcome setimage
. In case your struggling setting up a service use our
Helpdesk that has guides to help you. If the Helpdesk
did not have the guide you were looking for then join our support server and ask for
help on #support
π Welcome images