X Bot
X Bot#6957
X Bot - The one and only utility bot
Provides quite a lot of commands. Many are utility commands, such as:
- setting reminders,
- getting cookies by running commands
- and then gambling with them! (Alternatively you can also brag)
You can however also
- play rock paper scissors & hangman
- take part in the daily cookie lottery
- hug your friends
- kick and ban mean members
- configure many aspects of the bot
- mute people for a given time (if muted people rejoin then the mute is added again if the mute-time is not expired yet)
- evaluating logic circuits (for the geeks among users)
- and much more!
All commands are described in the >help command. To get specific info about a command you can type >help [command] or >help [group] [subcommand] Additionally you can configure the bot by using the >cfg command.
Optimal uptime is ensured by X Watchdog, yet another discord bot i made, which is only there to look at X Bot 24/7.
If you want to disable some commands for users then you can do so in the settings menu.