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IslamBot IslamBot#5367
An Islamic bot for Discord, with support for the Qur'an with 75 translations, hadith, tafsir, prayer times and more.


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An Islamic bot for Discord with features such as:

  • Qur’an, with support for 75 translations.
  • Tafsir, with 7 available in English and 28 in Arabic.
  • Hadith in English and Arabic, from
  • Prayer times for any location in the world.
  • The ability to view the morphology of every word in the Qur’an.
  • Conversions between the Hijri and Gregorian calendars.
  • Visualisation of Qur’anic verses on a mushaf.

IslamBot is licensed under the GNU GPL v3.0. You are welcome to use the code for your own purposes, on the condition it is made open source and credit is given.



-quran allows you to quote Qu’ran verses in English, with an optional translation.

-quran <surah>:<verse(s)> [translation]

For example:

-quran 1:1-7 yusufali 

The above command would quote Surah 1, Verses 1-7 (Surah al-Fatihah) using the translation of Yusuf Ali.

Valid translation editions

Click here for a list of valid translations.


This command allows you to change the default translation of -quran on your server. You must have the Manage Server or Administrator permission to use this command.

-settranslation <translation>

For example:

-settranslation sahih 

The above command would set the default Qur’an translation to Sahih International.

Click here for a list of valid translations.


-aquran functions in the same way as -quran, but quotes the verse in Arabic.

For example, to quote the first verse of the Qu’ran:

-aquran 1:1


-morphology allows you to analyse the Arabic morphology of any word in the Qur’an.

-morphology surah:verse:word number

For example:

-morphology 1:2:4

The above would analyse the morphology of the 4th word of the 2nd verse of the 1st chapter of the Qur’an.


-mushaf fetches the image of the page on which a verse would be on a standard Medina Mushaf.

-mushaf <surah>:<verse>

For example:

-mushaf 1:2

The above would send an image of the page containing Qur’an 1:2 on a Medina Mushaf.



-atafsir allows you to quote from over 26 Arabic tafaseer (commentaries on the Qurʾān). A list of valid tafaseer is available here.

-atafsir <surah>:<verse(s> [tafsir]

For example:

-atafsir 2:255 tabari

The above command would quote the tafsir of Ayatul Kursi from Tafsir al-Tabari.


-tafsir allows you to quote the English tasfir (commentary) of verses from Tafsīr al-Jalālayn (jalalayn), Tafsīr Ibn Kathīr (ibnkathir), Tafsīr al-Tustarī (tustari), Rashīd al-Dīn Maybudī’s Kashf al-Asrār (kashf), al-Qurayshi’s Laṭāʾif al-Ishārāt (qurayshi), Tafsīr ʿAbd al-Razzāq al-Kāshānī (kashani) and al-Wahidi’s Asbāb al-Nuzūl (wahidi). It works in the same manner as -atafsir.

-tafsir <surah>:<verse> <jalalayn/ibnkathir/kashf/tustari/qurayshi/kashani/wahidi>

For example:

-tafsir 1:1 ibnkathir

The above command would quote the tafsir of Surah al-Fatihah, verse 1 from Tafsir Ibn Kathir.



-hadith allows you to quote hadith from in English.

-hadith <hadith book name> <chapter number>:<hadith number>

For example, to quote the second hadith in Chapter 1 of Sahih Bukhari:

-hadith bukhari 1:2

The above would scrape the hadith from

Valid hadith book names

  • bukhari = Sahih Bukhari
  • muslim = Sahih Muslim
  • tirmidhi = Jami` at-Tirmidhi
  • abudawud = Sunan Abi Dawud
  • nasai = Sunan an-Nasa’i
  • ibnmajah = Sunan Ibn Majah
  • malik = Muwatta Malik
  • riyadussaliheen = Riyad as-Salihin
  • adab = Al-Adab Al-Mufrad
  • bulugh = Bulugh al-Maram
  • qudsi = 40 Hadith Qudsi
  • nawawi = 40 Hadith Nawawi

40 Hadith Qudsi or Nawawi are both 40 hadith long respectively, and as such do not use a chapter number.

For example:

-hadith qudsi 32

Not all hadith are indexed correctly on, and not all use the same numbering as in the books - so please keep this in mind.


-ahadith is the same as -hadith, but allows you to quote hadith in Arabic.

Prayer (Salaah) Times

The bot can also fetch the prayer times for any location. More precise locations (e.g. addresses) will yield more accurate prayer times.

-prayertimes <location>

For example:

-prayertimes Burj Khalifa, Dubai

..would fetch prayer times in the general area of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai.

Hijri Calendar

The bot can also (rather inaccurately) convert both ways between the Hijri and Gregorian calendars.


Converts a Gregorian date to its corresponding Hijri date.

-converttohijri DD-MM-YY 

For example:

-converttohijri 31-08-2017


Converts a Hijri date to its corresponding Gregorian date.

For example, to convert 17 Muharram 1407:

-convertfromhijri 17-01-1407

The bot can search several Islamic websites, including, and

Search Islamic websites for a given query.

-search <search query>

For example:

-search Can Hanafis eat shrimp?