The most popular Discord bot for Geometry Dash players!
- View a player profile
- Search for a custom level
- Get info on current Daily levels and Weekly Demons
- Check whether a user is an in-game moderator and view the full GD moderator list
- Link your Geometry Dash account to the bot so you can view server-wide Geometry Dash leaderboards
- Receive notifications in your server when new levels are being rated, when the Daily level or Weekly demon changes or when there are updates to the Geometry Dash moderator list.
- More coming soonโข
About UltimateGDBot
UltimateGDBot is a Discord bot owned by Alex1304#9704 and designed for Geometry Dash players. It is written in Java 11 and uses Discord4J and Botrino.
UltimateGDBot is currently operating in more than 13,000 servers. You can invite UltimateGDBot to your own server using the following authorization link: https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=358598636436979713&scope=bot+applications.commands&permissions=379904
You have a suggestion, a bug to report, or need help? Join the official server: https://discord.gg/VpVdKvg
UltimateGDBot is hosted and powered by FastVM, a company that sells powerful virtual private servers for a low price.
Check their plans on their website https://www.fastvm.io/ and use promo code GDBOT
to get 10% discount.
If you want to run your own instance of UltimateGDBot, check out the full guide on the Wiki page.