24/7 🔊
24/7 🔊#6493
Listen to your favorite radio station all day long, or play songs on demand without ever having to stop.
The party won’t stop when you leave either, because this bot stays in your channel 24 hours per day 7 days a week!
Key features
- Play any internet radio station/stream 24/7
- Get “now playing” information from most radios
- Search for radios and play them directly
- Play any song (from supported sources) [requires premium for full 24/7 support]
- Play any livestream (from supported sources) [requires premium for full 24/7 support]
- 24/7 music, doesn’t leave your channel when no-one is listening, always ready
Type a /
in the chat bar or click here to view all commands.
- queue (play individual songs 24-7)
- import playlists and albums (from supported sources)
- import and export bot queue’s (currently not available, but soon)
- repeat 1 song 24/7
- server wide volume adjustment
- make commands mod only
Everything listed above and:
- autoplay, play recommended songs based on your queue
Can’t wait to try it out?
invite the bot Or check out premium.