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Polaris Polaris#9752
., @polaris, custom
A Roblox Verification bot designed to give you everything you need, without any of the fuss.
Owner: unknown Prefix: ., @polaris, custom

Polaris was created to provide users with a greater degree of ease. We want you to have all the features you need, with none of the fuss.

That’s why we created Polaris, with it’s large feature base and more empowering tools coming out shortly, We believe we can help you do what you do.

We’ve hand crafted a new online webpanel to help you get your settings just right 👌


  • Web panel
  • Custom prefixes
  • Various binding options
  • Auto update - no fuss role matching
  • Auto verification
  • Nickname management
  • Getinfo command, provides blurb, account age and more
  • Guild setup command
  • More!

How to set up

Run .settings and go into the group section, and select your desired setting. Or, use our webpanel.

New discord?

Polaris can add all the ranks from your group to your discord! Run the setup command to learn more.


Join our support server for support.You can also submit bugs/suggestions there.

New features

I have a long list of new features to add, and I’ll be adding them as quickly as I can.


We now have a web site and a webpanel. Link Our terms of use is availible here

Open Source

We’re now open source. Feel like contributing, or want to set up your own version? Check out our Github repos: