m.8ball [question] |
Consults the magic 8ball - example m.8ball are you here? |
m.ask [question] |
Ask MarksBot a question - example m.ask is it raining outside? |
m.avatar @user |
Displays the avatar of the user you tagged or displays your own avatar if no user is tagged |
m.bill |
Generate a be like bill image |
m.billme [name] [gender] |
Generate a be like bill image with your name (m.billme Mark m | m.billme Abbie f) | |
Can be used when playing Bingo to help you scratch off your card |
m.botemoji |
Displays all the emoji the bot has access to |
m.e [text] |
Puts your text into an embed - example m.e Hello MarksBot |
m.emoji |
Displays the custom emoji on the server |
m.emojisearch [text] |
Search the bot for emoji matching the requested name |
m.fc |
Fingers crossed | |
Displays the command list |
m.invite |
Displays the invite link so you can invite MarksBot to your server | |
Displays how many servers MarksBot is on and how many users it is serving |
m.lastseen @user |
Displays when the tagged user was last active [shows "undefined" if the users has not been active since the bot last restarted] |
m.morsecode [text] |
Converts your message into morsecode - example m.morsecode sos |
m.mybill [text] |
Put your own text on Bill | |
Check if the bot is reponding |
m.quiz |
Answer a general knowledge question |
m.rc |
Generates a rancom color and displays the DEC and HEX values |
m.someone |
Picks a random server member |
m.spinner |
How long will it spin for? |
m.serverinfo |
Displays current server information |
m.userinfo @user |
Displays information about the tagged users account or your own information if no user is tagged |
m.uptime [text] |
Displays how long MarksBot has been up for since it's last reboot |
m.yesno [text] |
Ask a question and the bot will decide yes or no - example Should I make food? |