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Blerp Blerp#4364
blerp boy
The #1 soundboard bot for your Server! Set a bot command to quickly search and play 1M+ sounds on a voice or text channel.

What is blerp?

Blerp is the best way to enhance any moment with sound. Our Discord bot is the #1 rated soundboard bot on over 10K+ servers!

With our bot you can easily search and share 1M+ sounds in a text or voice chat.

Just invite our bot to your server, use the Bot Web console or b!search command and share some blerps!

You can also go to and create your own sounds and organize your own soundboards.

The Best Soundboard Bot on Discord?

Playing sounds is as simple as typing b!play meme or you can play sounds from your phone or desktop using our Bot Web console Access and play any of the millions of sound clips from today!

Our story

Blerp is a project built out of our college dorm. What started as an app that plays Shia Labeouf sound clips turned into something bigger then we could have ever imagined. Follow us on Twitter or Facebook to hear our whole story!

Don’t see your favorite audio clips?

Use our youtube to mp3 tools on our site to add your favorite clips to the bot. Upload and create the best sound clips using!

For more help?

Check out Blerp Discord or Soundboard For Discord for a full list of commands and a quick tutorial

Love sound bites, audio memes or soundboards??

Play your favorites soundbites offline and anywhere with our Mobile Apps! Our android and iOS apps let you share audio clips in Messenger, Slack, iMessage, Facebook… It’s pretty awesome… :)

Curious about making money while playing video games?

Check out our Twitch Extensions as well as our article on How to Make Money Playing Videogames