CharizardBot is a simple, small Discord bot that includes useful commands for games such as Wizard101 and Clash of Clans.

CharizardBot might be a small bot, but it has several major features including:

!charizard or !help - gets the general list of commands. As the list grows, this will not contain all the commands, but the website will.

Pokedex - you can specify a pokemon or you can get a random pokemonโ€™s stats.

Clash of Clans commands - Search for a clan, list the players in a clan, and view a playerโ€™s info.

Chat filter for racial slurs (universal list currently)

Wizard101 commands (petstats and tournament schedule viewing)

Anime searching (use !anime <query>) to look up info about an anime on My Anime List.

Imgur/Tenor GIF searching - search for your favorite memes!

Random reddit post from your favorite subreddit with sorting options - use !randpost <subreddit> <optional: sorting, such as โ€œtopโ€, โ€œhotโ€, etc.

Random reddit meme from 5 meme subreddits - use !randmeme <optional: sorting>.

If you are a server admin, you are able to change the Prefix and other settings (such as enabling/disabling features of the bot that are listed on the website).

Suggestions - Suggest to your server what you want done.

If you are a server admin, you are able to change the Prefix and other settings (such as enabling/disabling features of the bot that are listed on the website).

There are most likely more features coming in the future.