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EasyPoll EasyPoll#3712
Custom Library
With EasyPoll, a Discord Poll Bot, you can easily create polls and your members can vote by clicking on a reaction very easily and quickly.

EasyPoll, the most popular Poll Bot on Discord, offers you a seamless way to engage your server members in decision-making. With its user-friendly interface and a range of innovative features, EasyPoll makes the process of creating and conducting polls a breeze.


As Easy As Possible

We focus on simplicity. EasyPoll uses self-explanatory SlashCommands with auto-complete function. Our Wiki and FAQ helps with most problems fast and understandable.

Time Polls

Create polls with time limit, after an individually specified time the poll closes automatically and displays the final result. No further votes can be placed.

Anonymous Polls

Create anonymous polls, no one can see which user voted for which option. At the end of the poll only the result of the poll is visible for everyone.

Multilingual Bot

The bot is available in many different languages. Currently the bot supports 13 different languages.


Our team will help you quickly with questions and problems on our support discord. Servers with the premium plan enjoy exclusive premium support.

Free To Use

EasyPoll can be used to its full extent free of charge. For increased limits and advanced features, we offer an affordable premium plan to continue bot development.

24/7 Online

We try our best to keep the bot available 24/7 for you. Our team is supported by our monitoring all around the clock. Current status information can always be found on our status page.


If you want to use EasyPoll on your server, you can invite the bot with the following link:

You can also find help on how to invite the bot in our Wiki.

Getting Help

If you have any questions about using EasyPoll, feel free to visit the official Support Discord.
Alternatively you can also have a look at our Wiki and FAQ.


Command Description
/poll Create a normal poll.
/timepoll Create a time-based poll.
/showpoll Show a specific poll with all information and actions.
/listpolls Show a list of all polls on the current server.
/closepoll Close a poll.
/reopenpoll Reopen a already closed poll.
/deletepoll Delete a poll completely.
/editpoll Modify an existing poll.
/copypoll Copy an existing poll.
/exportpoll Export the results of a poll.
/pollresult Publish the result of a closed poll again.
/help Get assistance and information about available commands.
/debug Check the server permissions and some common issues.
/invite Get a link to add the bot to your own server.
/block Block a user from interacting with the bot on this server.
/unblock Unblock a user from interacting with the bot on this server.
/listblocks Show a list of all blocked users on the current server.
/settings language Change the language of this server.
/settings role-weight Change the voting weight of a role.
/settings events Change the settings of events.
/settings threads Change the settings of threads.
/settings colors embeds Change the default colors of embeds.
/settings colors buttons Change the default colors of buttons.