EasyFortniteStats is the ultimate, feature-rich Fortnite Discord Bot which benefits your Fortnite or Gaming Community.
- Graphical Stats
- Account System (Locker, Buy/Gift Items, Account Info)
- Nickname Stats (Wins and BattlePass Level in Nickname)
- Item Shop
- Server Status
- In-game News
- In-game Radio
- In-game Player count
- Cosmetics Overview
A full list of commands can be viewed in the Bot’s Documentation: https://docs.easyfnstats.com/commands
Command | Description |
/stats | Retrieve the lifetime, season and competitive stats of a Fortnite account. |
/link | Link your Discord account to your EpicGames account. |
/nickstats | Show off your stats in your nickname. |
/account | Manage your Fortnite account including Locker, Buy/Gift Items, Account Info |
/shop | Display the current in-game item shop. |
/news | Display the current in-game news. |
/server-status | Display the current Fortnite server status. |
/map | Display the current Fortnite map. |
/drop | Display a random location to drop. |
/radio | Open the radio player and start the radio playback. |
/cosmetics | Get information about in-game cosmetics. |
/season | Display the progress of the current season. |
/event | Display all in-game events with video playback. |
/player-count | Display statistics about the Fortnite player count. |
/settings | Manage the bot’s settings. |