Slash Command | Description |
/stats PlayerName |
Display SMITE stats for PlayerName . |
/history PlayerName |
Latest match history for the requested PlayerName |
/md MatchID |
Match details for the requested MatchID |
/mdlast PlayerName |
Match details for last match of the requested PlayerName |
/livemd PlayerName |
Live match details for the requested PlayerName if they are currently in a match |
/wp PlayerName |
Shows all masteries for gods played for the requested PlayerName |
/wr PlayerName |
Shows win rate percentage for gods played for the requested PlayerName |
/link |
Link your Discord and SMITE accounts in Thoth’s database. |
Troll Commands | |
/rgod GodClass |
Gives you a random God and randomised build |
/rteam Option |
Gives you random Gods with randomised builds for them |
/rbuild GodName |
Gives you a random build for the requested god |
Useful Commands | |
/updatenotes |
Sends the last two update notes posted on the SMITEgame.com website |
/events |
Shows if there are any events currently available in-game |
/bugs |
Checks the SMITE Community Issues Trello Board for current and fixed issues |
/motd |
Information about upcoming MOTDs in the game |
/status |
Check the status of SMITE Servers |
/feeds |
Set a channel to get server status notifications and more (soonâ„¢) |
/gods |
Overall information about the gods & skins in the game and current free god rotation |
/god GodName |
Provides information about the requested god |
/item ItemName |
Provides information about the requested item |
/about |
Check out bot statistics, invite link, support server or send feedback |
SPL Commands | |
/splschedule |
Check the Smite Pro League Schedule |
/splstandings |
Check the Smite Pro League Standings |