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eara eara#6801
EARRAPE & BASSBOOST | High quality 24/7 music | Youtube | Soundcloud | Twitch | Mixer | Spotify | Bandcamp
Owner: 3eif Prefix: ear

Ear Tensifier

Ear Tensifier is an easy to use, simple music bot. Play, loop, pause, resume, skip, loudify, and bassboost songs. Get started by inviting it to your discord.

Supported music sources:

  • Youtube
  • Soundcloud
  • Mixer
  • Twitch
  • Bancamp
  • And more!


Command Description
ear about Info about the bot
ear bassboost Bassboosts the current playing song
ear help Sends you a list of commands
ear invite Sends you the invite link for the bot
ear join Joins the voice channel you are in
ear loop/unloop Loops or unloops the current playing song
ear reset Resets the volume back to normal
ear pause Pauses the current playing song
ear ping Sends you the client’s ping and API latency
ear play Plays the song you search for in the voice channel you are in.
ear playing Shows the current playing song
ear queue Lists all the songs in the current queue
ear resume Resumes the current playing song
ear skip Skips the current playing song
ear stats Shows stats on the bot
ear stop Resumes the current playing song
ear support Sends the support server for the bot
ear earrape Makes the music very loud and bad quality
ear volume Shows/sets the volume of the song