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Trust Factor Trust Factor#2223
Trust Factor adds a reviews system to Discord. The must for public communities!
Owner: ZaptoInc Prefix: trust-

Trust Factor v1.3 Official

  • Let users put a note on your server!
  • Available in English and French
  • Preview this note in your server
  • 95% Uptime


What does it do?

Users can rate the server at any moment using the bot or via the website.

Then you will install Trust Factor to your server,

  • your server will be listed on our website. (you can disable that in the configs)

  • newcomers will receive a customizable message and few infos about your server and how to put a review. (can be disabled for bot list servers)

Show your note in your server using channels. Be proud of it!

Does the bot is necessary to be on the website?

No, not at all, you can just send the invite of your discord server to the bot in private messages or in a channel of our support server but, having the bot is better if you want users to review your server and if you want your server’s infos to be updated on the website every hours.

Do we need to pay?

No, our service is and will always be completely free, we do not plan to win money from the project (but we obviously accepts donations), we just want to be fair with everyone, the point is to reward good and active servers.

Why can’t we put a comments with the bot?

We limit the comments to the website only for simplicity, but we will try to add it to in the future

Languages available

Here is the available langs

  • English (default)
  • French
    If you want to help us to translate, you can create a ticket in our support server


  • trust-help

    Shows you the help page

  • trust-setlang

    Changes the language of the server (need to be admin)

  • trust-config

    Allows you to change server configs (need to be admin)

  • trust-setup

    Create a category with the note of the server and the number of reviews (need to be admin)

  • trust-invite

    Gives you the link to invite the bot on your server

  • trust-preview

    Shows you a preview of what a joining user will see

  • trust-review [1-5] [server code|server id]

    Set a review to a server

  • trust-support

    Gives you the server for the support

  • trust-stats

    Gives you the stats about the bot