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AvBot AvBot#4498
!, @AvBot, [customizable]
Aviation enthusiast's bot. Get metar, taf, atis, chart, info of any airport. Get info of any client online on IVAO or VATSIM.
Owner: unknown Prefix: !, @AvBot, [customizable]



Aviation enthusiast's friendly neighborhood bot



command example description
metar !metar VABB Gives you the live METAR for the chosen airport
taf !taf VABB Gives you the live TAF for the chosen airport
brief !brief VABB Gives you the live METAR, zulu time and the latest chart for the chosen airport
atis !atis VABB Gives you the live ATIS for the chosen airport
atis-voice !atis VABB Gives you the live ATIS as voice for the chosen airport
icao !icao VABB Gives you the station information for the chosen airport
chart (wip) !chart VABB Gives you the the latest chart for the chosen airport
ivao !ivao AIC001 Gives you the information for the chosen call sign on the IVAO network
ivao-online !ivao-online VABB Gives you the information for all ATCs which match the given partial callsign on the IVAO network
vatsim !vatsim VABB Gives you the information for the chosen call sign on the VATSIM network
vatsim-online !vatsim-online VABB Gives you the information for all ATCs which match the given partial callsign on the VATSIM network
zulu !zulu Gives you the current zulu time
zulu !zulu VABB 1900 Gives you the specific zulu time for the given local Time and ICAO
local !local VABB 1900 Gives you the specific local time for the given zulu Time and ICAO
invite !invite Gives you the AvBot invite link to add it to your Discord server
prefix !prefix Change or view AvBot’s prefix
help !help Displays a list of available commands
help !help metar Displays a detailed information for a specified command
ping !ping Checks the AvBot’s ping to the Discord server
donate !donate Support AvBot by donating