Bot icon
Play a personalized message when a user joins or leaves a voice channel that this bot is in. Custom messages per user, 60+ voices.
Owner: deca Prefix: !


This bot announces when a member joins the voice channel that this bot is in. You can personalize your join/leave phrase to whatever you want and the bot will speak it.

This bot can also announce when a member mutes, deafeans, or starts streaming (see the events command) down below.

join leave and bots events are announced by default.

How to

  1. Invite this bot to your server.
  2. Join a voice channel.
  3. Type !join, to summon the bot to your channel.
  4. Type !phrase join enter a custom join phrase here
  5. Type !phrase leave enter a custom leave phrase here

All Commands

!help all:

Announcement commands

  • default: Customize the default join/leave phrase for the server
  • join: Joins the user’s current voice channel
  • leave: Leaves the user’s current voice channel
  • list: A list of phrases added for this server
  • phrase: Add a join or leave phrase for a member
  • rejoin: Rejoin the user’s current voice channel
  • say: Says a phrase in the users current voice channel
  • test: Sends a test phrase to the bot’s current voice channel
  • voice: Sets the server’s voice. Use the voices command for a list of all available voices.
  • voices: A list of available voices you can choose from.
  • enable-event and one of the event names (mute, bots, join, leave, stream) to enable announcing that event.
  • disable-event and one of the event names (mute, bots, join, leave, stream) to disable announcing that event.
  • events to get a status of all events and if they are on or off.

Misc Commands

  • groups: Lists all command groups.
  • enable: Enables a command or command group.
  • disable: Disables a command or command group. (good for disabling any command, like !say if its being abused)
  • reload: Reloads a command or command group.
  • load: Loads a new command.
  • unload: Unloads a command.


  • help: Displays a list of available commands, or detailed information for a specified command.
  • prefix: Shows or sets the command prefix.
  • ping: Checks the bot’s ping to the Discord server.


Before tools like Discord popped onto the scene we used Ventrilo to communicate. I realized Discord was missing 1 major feature we loved from Ventrilo, that of the Channel Announcer. We would typically run Ventrilo in the background while we gamed in the foreground. When someone would join or leave a channel you were in, Ventrilo would announce that person’s name, this way you could tell who it was (duh).

Discord has an in-game overlay that visually shows you who’s in the channel, but, we typically disable it (in order to improve in-game performance).