What is I.R.I.S. Utilities?
I.R.I.S Utilities is a multi-purpose discord bot that allows you to play music, have fun, manage roles, and perform various other utility-related tasks.
What does I.R.I.S. stand for?
I.R.I.S. is the Interactive Reconnaissance Information Service and she’s here to help!
Why is I.R.I.S. Utilities a “she”?
I.R.I.S. originally did not have a gender until a growing number of users started calling I.R.I.S. by feminine pronouns.
How do I use I.R.I.S. Utilities?
You can see a list of possible commands by using %help
If you are in a server where %
isn’t being used then @mention
I.R.I.S. Utilities for help!
If you are in the “Discord Bots” server, use iris%help
Does I.R.I.S. Utilities have a website?
Yes, check out iris-utilities.com.
Is I.R.I.S. Utilities online right now?
Try @mentioning
I.R.I.S. Utilities to see if she is online right now.
When I.R.I.S. is offline, there is usually a very good reason for it!
99.9% of outages will be for scheduled updates!
I need help right now!
Join the Discord Support Server via the website!
Or, simply message I.R.I.S. Utilities directly, to speak with her support staff.
Who was I.R.I.S. Utilities created by?
I.R.I.S. Utilities was created by Tyler S. Resch (aka MidSpike) over at MidSpike.Com