Victorique is your standard generic multipurpose weeb discord bot barring music commands with Azur Lane commands.
Bot Features:
Search for image/files on the azur lane wiki.
Basic EHP (effective hp) command for ships in AL with ship gear guide commands.
Search for or retrieve random images from various image boards.
Roll a die in the NdN+m format with m supporting expressions with operators *, +, -, / eg.
vic roll 1d20+10(1/10)*7
with some games. Tic tac toe, Trivia and a Fishing system etc.Simple moderation and emote emojis from attachments/URLs/custom emojis.
Image Generation commands mainly text on sign templates with a fake kick image and imgflip memes.
Search for stuff on MAL such as anime airing schedules, manga and anime based on seasons and the yearโs etc.
Retrive a random image from Imgur sorted by highest score for the current week.
Additional misc commands which includes a youtube search command, urban dictionary, emote shape drawing (triangle and diamond) and anime gif commands eg
vic pat <member>
etc.A simple tag system (user created commands that respond with a message).
Retrive random images of animals which includes cats, dogs, birds and foxes but is not limited to them.
Default prefix is vic and must include a space, eg vic help
or bot mention.
If you encounter any bugs just dm CaladWoDestroyer#9313 or SaladBlogBaal#3483.