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Victorique Victorique#4423
vic (customizable)
Owners: Salad , Calad Library:
Generic multi-purpose bot with loosely unique azur lane commands.
Owners: Salad , Calad Prefix: vic (customizable)

Victorique is your standard generic multipurpose weeb discord bot barring music commands with Azur Lane commands.

Bot Features:

  • Search for image/files on the azur lane wiki.

  • Basic EHP (effective hp) command for ships in AL with ship gear guide commands.

  • Search for or retrieve random images from various image boards.

  • Roll a die in the NdN+m format with m supporting expressions with operators *, +, -, / eg. vic roll 1d20+10(1/10)*7 with some games. Tic tac toe, Trivia and a Fishing system etc.

  • Simple moderation and emote emojis from attachments/URLs/custom emojis.

  • Image Generation commands mainly text on sign templates with a fake kick image and imgflip memes.

  • Search for stuff on MAL such as anime airing schedules, manga and anime based on seasons and the yearโ€™s etc.

  • Retrive a random image from Imgur sorted by highest score for the current week.

  • Additional misc commands which includes a youtube search command, urban dictionary, emote shape drawing (triangle and diamond) and anime gif commands eg vic pat <member> etc.

  • A simple tag system (user created commands that respond with a message).

  • Retrive random images of animals which includes cats, dogs, birds and foxes but is not limited to them.

Default prefix is vic and must include a space, eg vic help or bot mention.

If you encounter any bugs just dm CaladWoDestroyer#9313 or SaladBlogBaal#3483.