Starry night
Starry night is an economy side focused bot with customizble jobs that have stages. This bot also has features such as music, moderation, dashboard, gambling, permission managment
If you can’t change prefix cause of conflict you can use this handy alias, !setprefixavoidotherbots <new prefix>
See command list with !help and see the information about a command with !info <command name>
- Customizable jobs!
- Music
- Moderation
- Minigames
- Music
- Permission Management
- Dashboard
- Economy
- Shop
- Leveling
A leveling system where you can customize some stuff, more features coming soon!
- You can also disable it if you don’t like it! !toggle-leveling
- You can customize the level up message
- Soon you’ll be able to have rank and permission awards for certain levels
Main feature! Jobs
- You can get job work and get paid for it, but also you can lose if an accident happens.
- You can also create custom jobs for users to take with lots of customizability
- The jobs have stages which you level up by gaining XP when working!
You can have custom jobs and these are the customizations that can be done
- Name
- Description
- Categroy
- Stages, 15 max
- Stage name
- Stage income
- Stage xp requirement
- Stage fail percentege, [0-100]% If 0 provided it will get disabled
- Stage can have mutliple fails which have their message and fine
You can also have role requirement for getting a job
Server can have an shop where you can buy a role or an permission. Adding more soon!
Edit and Add items to the shop easily with the !items command
- An item can have multiple propeties (can have role and permissions, etc at same time)
Permission handling
The permission handling system works by having a permission node for each command that you can add to a role or a member. Default permissions settings supported.
The basic music commands but with favorites playlist!
- You can add songs to your favorites playlist and remove then. Also of couse you can play your favorites playlist
Music features
- Seeking, seek to a certain point of a song
- Jumping to an certain song in the queue
- Play playlist, url, or search for YouTube video with !play
- Shuffle the current queue
- Loop the current song playing or loop the whole queue
- Etc
Has a whole economy system where you can rob, deposit to the bank so you could gain interest, and all kinds of activities to earn virtual money. More coming soon!
Currently only 2 gambling minigames but lots more soon to come!
These 2 minigames are
- Blackjack - Play a blackjack for virtual money
- Ecard - Play a round of ecard for virtual money