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Anti-Bot Anti-Bot#8421
Owners: tb1 , socket Library:
This is a bot that does verification, tickets, moderation, logging, and auto moderation!
Owners: tb1 , socket Prefix: _


Anti-Bot is a moderation bot the does verification, n-word and ip grabber auto moderation, regular moderation, reglar commands, alt detection, and tickets! We always recommend starting with our config. Config as in things like the verification channel and logging channel. For things like verification you will need to create roles checkver and antiverified. checkver is the role that allows the bot to check the user if they verify for not. antiverified is the role that the bot gives to the user that has completed the verification. When logging is setup the bot will automatically start logging things like invite, deleted messages, roles, joined and leaving members, alt detection and etc!

Included Features

verification, n-word and ip grabber auto moderation, regular moderation, reglar commands, alt detection, and tickets!

Developer Note

Some Features have been disabled due to bugs. Features disabled: Few Logging Features & Alt detection.

Privacy Policy

Do we store data?


Anti-Bot & Anti-Bot Pro store data to make commands like the warn, warns, clearwarns, work. Without storing this kind of data then these commands would not work.

How can i Deleted My Data?

To deleted your data you can simple to command -clearwarns | _clearwarnsdoing this will get rid of any warns you have. The bots also do erase things like this at the end of the data meaning data is only stored for a short amount of time. To contact us about this information please join are support server:

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