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ChampBot ChampBot#1348
Find the most active users in a server, a user's past avatars/names, play trivia/casino, find current weather in any city, and much more.


A multipurpose bot with 100+ unique commands.

  • Find the most (and least) active users in a server on a bar chart
  • Find the current weather info for any city in the world
  • Play trivia or casino games
  • Find a user’s previous names and avatars
  • And much more!

Full Command List


  • %pastavatars (user): Find a user’s previous avatars.
  • %names (user): Find a user’s previous names.
  • %status (user): Find a user’s status information (how long they spend online, offline, etc.)
  • %activity: Shows the most (and least) active users of a server.
  • %notify: The bot will send you a DM when a certain phrase is mentioned in a server.
  • %userinfo (user): Find information on a user.
  • %serverinfo: Find information on the server.
  • %avatar (user): Find a user’s current avatar.
  • %botinfo: Find information about ChampBot.


  • %21 (bet): Play Blackjack.
  • %poker (buy-in): Play Poker.
  • %tower (bet): Play Tower
  • %baccarat (bet) (tie/banker/player): Play Baccarat.
  • %roulette: Play Roulette.
  • %coinflip (bet) (heads/tails): Bet on a coinflip.
  • %war(bet): Play War.
  • %higher (number) (bet): Play Higher.
  • %crash (bet): Play Crash.
  • %slots (bet): Play Slots.
  • %rps (bet): Play Rock, Paper, Scissors.
  • %mines (bet) (mines): Play Mines. %gtn (bet)`: Play Guess the Number.
  • %diamonds (bet): Play Diamonds.
  • %hilo (bet): Play Hilo.
  • %keno (bet): Play Keno.
  • %stock: Buy and sell shares (based on live prices)
  • %lottery (game) (amount): Buy tickets for a lottery.
  • %steal (user): Attempt to steal money from another user.
  • %jail (user): Check how much longer a user will be in jail for.
  • %stats (user): View a user’s casino stats
  • %hideout: Enter a hideout to prevent people from stealing from you
  • %pay (user) (amount): Pay money to another user.
  • %bal: Check your balance.
  • %leaderboard: Find the richest users in the server.
  • %claim: Claim your wages every hour.
  • %collect: Collect money every 6 hours.
  • %vote: Vote for ChampBot every 12 hours for a reward.


  • %ask (question): Ask for information on any topic.
  • %weather (city): Finds the current weather in the given city.
  • %trivia: Asks a trivia question.
  • %akinator: Play Akinator.
  • %millionaire: Play “Who Wants to be a Millionaire?”
  • %fbi: Shows information about a random unsolved FBI case.
  • %urban (term): Finds the Urban Dictionary definition for a term.
  • %reminder: Set a reminder that will ping you after a certain amount of time.
  • %covid (country): Find updated COVID-19 information in the given conutry.
  • %trumpopinion (user): Trump gives his opinion on a user.
  • %fact: Sends a random fact.
  • %joke: Sends a random joke.
  • %trump: Sends a random Donald Trump quote.
  • %kanye: Sends a random Kanye West quote.
  • %dog: Sends a random picture of a dog.
  • %define (word): Shows the definitions for a word.
  • %pp (user): Find a user’s pp size.
  • %8ball (question): Ask the magic 8ball for advice.

Management (limited to server mods)

  • %clear (amount): Clears a certain amount of messages.
  • %ban (member) : Bans a member from the server.
  • %kick (member): Kicks a member from the server.
  • %unban (member): Unbans a banned member.
  • %mute (member): Mutes a member in the server.
  • %unmute (member): Unmutes a muted mumber.
  • %welcome (channel): Bot will announce when a member joins the server in the given channel.
  • %logs (channel): Bot will log deleted and edited messages in the given channel.
  • %autorole (role): Bot will automatically give the specified role to any new members that join the server.


  • %join (channel): Joins a voice channel.
  • %leave: Leaves the voice channel.
  • %play (song): Adds a song to the queue.
  • %queue: View the queue.
  • %pause: Pauses the current song.
  • %resume: Resumes a paused song.
  • %skip: Vote to skip the current song.
  • %superskip: Moderator-only command that instantly skips the current song.
  • %np: Shows the currently playing song.
  • %loop: Loops the currently playing song.
  • %remove (song): Removes a song from the queue.
  • %cleanup: Removes queued songs from users who are now longer in the voice channel.
  • %removeduplicates: Remove duplicate songs from the queue.
  • %volume (volume): Changes the volume.


  • %csgo (username): Find a user’s Counter Strike: Global Offensive stats.
  • %apex (platform) (username): Find a user’s Apex Legends stats
  • %fortnite (platform) (username): Find a user’s Fortnite stats
  • %siege (platform) (username): Find a user’s Rainbow Six Siege stats.