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Organizer Organizer#3515
A configurable multipurpose bot bringing you organizing commands, multiplayer games, moderation commands and more!

The goal of Organizer is to bring into your Discord server a list of useful and fun commands while keeping it simple.

If you need a list of all commands use: /help


Manage your server:
Kick, ban, soft-ban, send welcome and leave messages, define automatic roles, prune messages, iam, and many more

Customize your server:
Define which command can be used in wich channel and by wich role Organizer also supports multiple languages: English & German

Get the current and future weather. You can even have the weather sent to you automatically every day.

Plan big events and invite your friends. They will get a message and you will be notified if they accept the invitation

There are many more features.

Command list:

⚠️ These are only some of the 50+ commands. ⚠️
For a full list visit the Wiki:

Category Name Description Usage / Example
weather Search weather report for a city /weather <city> [<country>]
/weather toulon france
math Evaluate an expression /math <expression>
/math 3*sin(pi)
translate Translate a text /translate <source_lang> <destination_lang> <text>
/translate auto fr Hello you!
wikipedia Search for Wikipedia article /wikipedia <word>
/wikipedia Einstein
chat Chat with an A.I. /chat <message>
/chat Hello you!
this_day Significant events on this day /this_day
joke Random dad joke /joke
rps Play a Rock–paper–scissors game, win-streak increases gains /game rps <handsign>
/game rps rock
hangman Start or join a Hangman game /game hangman join/create [<difficulty>]
/game hangman create hard
trivia Start a Trivia game in which everyone can participate /game trivia [<category>]
/game trivia
russian_roulette Play russian roulette /game russian_roulette
add_users add Users to an event /event add_users <title> [<member_0 …>]
delete delete and event that you created /event delete <title>
create Create a new event /event create <title> [<description>] [<icon>] [<member…>]
publish Publish a event that you have created on the server (must be scheduled) /event publish <event_title>
schedule Schedule an event /event schedule <event_title> <date (dd.MM.yyyy)> <time (hh:mm)>
manage_coins Manage users coins /moderation manage_coins <action> [<coins>] [<user>] [<role>]
/moderation manage_coins add 1500 @Organizer
prune Delete messages (include embeds) /moderation prune [<author>] [<words>] [<limit>]
/moderation prune @Someone hello 5
kick Kick a user /moderation kick <user>
/moderation kick @Someone
softban Kick a user and delete his messages from the last 7 days /moderation softban <user>
/moderation softban @Someone
ban Ban a user and delete his messages from the last 7 days /moderation ban <user>
/moderation ban @Someone
iam Create a message with a reaction that gives role(s) /moderation iam <roles…>
/moderation iam @Somerole “Click on the emoji to get this role!”
rolelist Show a list of members with specific role(s) /moderation rolelist <roles…>
/moderation rolelist @Somerole
Setting See this section
allowed_roles Manage role(s) that can interact with Organizer
auto_messages Manage auto-message(s) on user join/leave
auto_roles Manage auto assigned role(s)
language Manage default server language