Bot icon
MySetup MySetup#7225
s! or custom
V2.3 | MySetup | s! | Server Setuper | Server Backuper | Captcha Server Verification | Fr & En | discord.js
Owner: ArviX Prefix: s! or custom


Recently Added

s!security Check server security (Anti-Spam) Disabled

s!lock Lock a channel Disabled

s!unlock Unlock a channel Disabled

s!raidmode Enable raidmode in server Disabled


s!commu Create a community server

s!team Create a team server (for friends)

s!staff Create a server for staff of your server

s!reward Create a server for Rewards!

s!ads Create a server for ads!

s!giveaway Create a server to make giveaways!

s!mc Create a Minecraft themed server

s!youtube Create a server for a Youtuber


s!help Display this message

s!profil Display your account

s!pp Display a person logo

s!ping Display the bot latancy

s!lang Change the bot languages

s!settings Display your server Settings

s!settings captcha Activate Captcha verification for your server

s!settings welcome Welcome Message Settings

s!settings bye Good-Bye Message settings

s!settings lang Server Lang settings

s!settings prefix Server prefix settings

s!bcreate Create a Backup

s!binfos Infos about backup

s!bdelete Delete Backup

s!botinfoDisplay Bot Infoโ€™s

s!bload Load a backup `

s!invite Invite the bot

s!patchnotes Bot patchnotes

s!bug-report Report a bug

s!config Configure the announcement of the current servers

s!config-send Configure the announcement of your server

s!tofollow Displays possible servers to follow

s!followFollows a server

s!unfollowStop follows a server

s!user-report Report a user

s!verify Verify if your server have blacklisted users

s!protect Verfify your server serurity

s!mute Mute a user

s!tempmute Mute temporary a user

s!warn Warn a user

s!security Check server security (Anti-Spam) Disabled

s!lock Lock a channel Disabled

s!unlockUnlock a channel Disabled

s!raidmodeEnable raidmode in serverDisabled