Hanni discord bot is The best notification/ai/downloader discord bot with so many features, we worked very hard to add these commands we also watch the bot 24/7 to see if everything working well. if you find a bug you can report it on hanni bot support server.
Notification/update features:
Most of notification features are paid but it's cheap for you! check:
K-Pop Schedule Notifier! (this only support some of kpop groups you can get list of it by doing .kupdate add list
youtube updates/notifications : the command is .tube add
instagram updates/notifications(this only will send posts) : the command is .insta add
insta2 the best instagram notifications it shows story/posts and more .insta2
Instavip (this only will send posts)updates/notifications : the command is .instavip add
tiktok updates/notifications : the command is .tiktok add
Weverse updates/notifications : the command is .weverse add
After adding Weverse command you have to do .weverselive add
to get weverse live updates and .weversecomment
add to get idol commends notification.
weibo updates/notifications : the command is .weibo add
threads updates/notifications : the command is .threads add
Youtube posts updates/notifications : the command is .ytposts add
bilibili updates/notifications : the command is .bilibili add
twitter updates/notifications : the command is .twitter add
weibo notifications for vip people it sending really fast!.
My bot is now for streamers and youtubers too! it can send Tiktok live , kick stream notification, twitch and trovo!
The commands are :
.kicklive add
.tiktoklive add
.twitch add
.trovo add
getting youtube live stream notification!
getting stationhead stream notification!
reddit updates/notifications : the command is .reddit add
getting facebook notification!
.allkpop add
get https://www.allkpop.com/ notifications!
it posting Profile/Banner updates from the Fab app!
getting fancafe notification!
tumblr updates/notifications : the command is .tumblr add
Today in kpop (Birthdays!)
sending kpop images using the best and full hd gallery.
searching images using google image search api.
searching for a youtube video using google/yt api.
it convert images to art! make sure to give jpg images.
kpop charts all at once
sending kpop memes
or .kcomeback
kpop New releases!
Kpop Idol Profile.
getting lyrics is hard but this bot have it!
it convert any images to anime.
convert youtube to gif! (max Length is 10 seconds.).
Convert images to text
Take a screenshot website online!
wattpad search!
Ask Wolfram Alpha any question
kpop photocards!.
korean to english translation example: .ptranslate en ko hi
daily horoscope
Search kpop ai cover!
Twitter Live Follower Counter!
instagram following status!
Get avatar and banner with id. (even users out of the server!)!
and .discordserveridinfo
getting infos about a discord server.
uploads any urls to a text channel.
get medias from a message_link!
**search any gifs with this command : .gifsearch idolname
Set a reminder to bump on Disboard.
.askgpt how are you?
chatting with ai (ask anything!)
or .imgai
anime gril with red eyes` image generator ai
You can chat with your fav kpop idol! there is more commands check slash commands
This bot have downloader for most of social website/apps
pinterest video/image/gif downloader by links.
facebook downloader.
the best reddit downloader on discord!
its faster than .igd
but it have cooldown
For example to download a tiktok video you have to do : .ttdl with_a_post_link
for example : .ttdl https://www.tiktok.com/@twice_tiktok_official/video/7138596432390475009
To download a post from instagram you have to give a post link to my bot the command is .igd
for example .igd https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch9gGeLJZaD/
To download a instagram story you have to give a username
and the command is .igs
for example .ids uarmyhope
To download a twitter post you have to give a post link
and the command is .twd
for example .twd https://twitter.com/Jinsoul985/status/1565418865114365952
To download a youtube short video give a youtube short link the command is .svd
youtube video downloader.
command is xiaohongshu downloader!
Spotify downloader/spotify mp3 converter! .spd
it will send random anime images with title.
Kpop games:
kpop idol guessing game! the command is .kpopgg
Ultimate kpopgame!
kpop song guessing game! The command is .sg
kpop bias battles the command is .biasgame
Kpop card feature is on test but i have added some of commands for fun :
to claim a kpop card by giving a kpop group name.
to see your kpop cards.
to give your card to someone else.
To claim a card for free do .fc
or .freeclaim
Roleplay commands:
and moreโฆ
To see the full comamnds please do .help (You need to be admin of the server to see full commands also give my bot webhook and embed perms to send notifications.)
Join hanni bot support server if you need help
Click here to add owner of bot
message me on discord: @kylauwu server link : https://discord.gg/mXSDAv3ygJ
If you donโt have paypal you can use ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/kpopdev/tiers You can also use .donate command` To see other ways to donate
Please message the owner of bot your server id after donating and helping my bot.
If your paypal have problem with ko-fi you can use https://liberapay.com/kpop/
You should agree to follow google/youtube TOS https://www.youtube.com/static?template=terms
Google Privacy Policy https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/
Do not spam any commands or you will get banned forever/ always let my bot to reply before spam.
Do not be rude or use nsfw things for ai commands or other commands or you will get banned
Do not download nsfw links with my bot or you will get banned
This bot using offical api from social medias like youtube insta(meta) twitch google tumblr twitter and more.