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Hespera Hespera#8192
A wholesome bot full of emotes and other useful utilities!
Owner: Netsky Prefix: !h

Hespera is a bot that has a bit of everything, emotes, image generator, moderation and utilities. The bot is fully configurable, meaning you can disable and enable commands as well as configure other settings within the bot! This bot is powered by it’s own API meaning that a lot more emotes and other commands are going to be added in the future!

Hespera is already home to a fair amount of guilds so why not add it to yours as well?

Category Command Description
System api Shows the statuses of the API Hespera uses.
System invite Gives an invite link as well as some other links.
System ping Pong!
System config (Admin only) configure the bot to your liking!
Utility avatar Shows a user’s avatar.
Utility botinfo Show some info about Hespera.
Utility help Gives the help embed(s) can be used in DM as well!
Utility serverinfo Shows some info about the current server.
Utility userinfo Show information about a user.
Moderation ban Give a user the banhammer!
Moderation kick Like a soccerball, jk. Kick a user from the guild.
Moderation purge Delete a amount of messages from a channel, or a certain user’s messages!
Moderation unban Unban a user!
Fun Has 17 commands, at time of writing 8ball, kannagen, spotify, trigger, osustats, overwatchstats, editsnipe, snipe and a lot more!
Mention Emotes Has a lot of emotes baka, wink, stare, punch, slap, lick and many more. (most powered by the kind people of! as well as my own api)
Self Emotes Still a lot of emotes smug, wag, smile, pout, even dab…
Social marry Well the name says it all
Social divorce CTRL+Z the marriage!
There are many many many more commands, however feel free to come and check those out yourself!

Sorry for the rough and bland page, I’ll make a better one once I have more time to do so. However if you expect less of the bot because of this sloppy page, you might be in for a surprise. :)