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Ayako Ayako#6768
Moderation Anti-Virus Anti-Spam Category-Roles Captcha-Verification Auto-Punish Leveling Nitro-Monitoring Strike-System and lots more!
Owner: Lolo Prefix: /

πŸ€– Ayako: Your Server’s Best Friend πŸ€–

Looking to make your server less boring, less manual, more unified, or add customization? Well… look no further! πŸš€

🌟 Features

πŸ› οΈ Simple Moderation Commands

As every Moderation Bot should, Ayako features a wide variety of Basic Moderation Commands:

  • 🚫 Ban, Soft-Ban, Temp-Ban, Temp-Mute, Channel-Ban, Temp-Channel-Ban, Kick, Warn, Soft-Warn
  • βœ… Un-Ban, Un-Mute, Un-Channel-Ban, Pardon, Un-Afk

🎯 Advanced Moderation Commands

In addition to those above, Ayako can help you unify your Server-Moderation using a strike System. This System will pick the next Punishment depending on the Amount of Punishments the User already has. And it’s all 100% customizable:

  • ⚑ Strike (Punishments can also be set to expire)

πŸ›‘οΈ Auto-Moderation

  • 🚷 Anti-Spam, Anti-Virus/Anti-Phishing, Newline-Limiter, Invite-Blocker

πŸ€– Automation

  • πŸ“‚ Category-Roles, Auto-Roles
  • πŸ“ Punishment Appeals with customizable Questions
  • πŸ“Œ Sticky-Messages, Sticky-Roles, and Sticky-Permissions
  • πŸ“’ DISBOARD Bump-Reminders and Vote Reminders
  • 🚫 Censoring, Captcha-Verification, Welcome-Messages, Voice-Hubs

🎨 Server Customization

  • πŸ’€ AFK, Suggestions, Role-Shop, Self-Roles, Reaction-Roles, Button-Roles, Levelling
  • 🎁 Custom-Roles, Server Currency, XP and XP Multipliers also available as Role-Rewards
  • πŸŽ‰ Giveaways, Auto-Payout System, and Auto-Reroll if unclaimed
  • πŸš€ Booster-Leaderboard and Reward-Roles
  • πŸ—³οΈ Vote Rewards supporting a multitude of Vote-Websites
  • 🎭 A MASSIVE Amount of Role-Play Commands (hug, cuddle etc.) with custom Cooldowns

πŸ“ˆ Levelling System

  • 🎯 Less intrusive Level-Ups, XP Multiplier Channels, Conditional XP Multipliers, Level-Roles, XP Multiplier Roles

πŸ” Extended Utility

Information even Discord doesn’t show you

  • πŸ“„ About Roles, Stickers, Channels, Emojis, Users, Servers and Invites
  • πŸ“ Embed-Builders and Embed-Editor
  • πŸ“š Logs about everything… literally:
    • Applications, Auto-Mod, Channels, Emojis, Servers, Scheduled-Events, Invites, Messages, Roles, Stages, Stickers, Typing, Voice States, Webhooks, Reactions, Members

Don’t like Ayako’s Branding? Just get your own one using /help custom-client 🎨