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Sappy Sappy#0823
Stay informed, translate, and enjoy! Sappy provides Wikipedia information, reminders, translations, and entertainment to your server. 🐸
Owner: lou Prefix: /

Sappy is an adorable froggie. 🐸

Sappy provides instant /wikipedia information on any term, ensuring quick access to valuable knowledge. Additionally, the /dictionary command allows you to easily look up words in English (US) or Portuguese (BR), providing precise and comprehensive definitions.

The integrated translation feature in Sappy enables effortless translation of texts, such as user messages, into different languages. This feature greatly enhances multilingual communication, making it more accessible for users!

But that’s not all! Sappy also provides entertainment through games like the classic Tic-Tac-Toe. You can challenge your friends or play against Sappy itself to test your skills.

Other Cool Commands:

  • /remind — Do you want me to remind of something? Use it!
  • /steam — Search for a Game/DLC in the Steam store
  • /text — Write in ASCII or make your text ˢᵐᵃᶫᶫ
  • /minecraft — Explore and Download Minecraft Skins