Karate Wumpus
Badly Drawn Letters
Emojifier, a Discord bot that focuses on enhancing a users chat experience. We have many commands to help make your chatting experience fun and enjoyable. Here is a list of all our commands.
This command shows all of the commands the bot has.!!ping
Ping, pong! Shows the bots response time between the host and Discord’s API!!invite
Wanna let all your friends invite this cool bot? Running this command will show an invite link to the bot and a link to the support server.!!verify
Check users global and server-wise acknowledgements to for example check if they are staff for the bot or server moderator.!!vote
This command will send all the links to vote for the bot, we don’t expect you to vote for our bot, but if you do thank you so much.!!stats
This command shows stats about the bot. For example, the ping, server count and uptime.!!support
This command will send you a link to the support server.!!userinfo
Wanna check out what badges you have, or how long you’ve been in a server? Then this command is for you!
The classic command, this is what inspired our developers to make this bot running the command will convert your text into Badly Drawn Letters emojis.!!converbless
Ah, Heroji. This command will convert your text into cute bless letters.!!convertclap
A round of applause please, this command will replace your spaces with claps in them and convert your letters into Badly Drawn Letters emojis.!!convertdancing
We have all seen them and love them, the dancing letters. This command will convert your text into dancing letters.!!convertdefault
Are all the other commands a bit too fancy for you? Then try this command, it will convert your text into the classic Discord emojis.!!convertdoggo
One of the cutest commands, this command will convert your text into blob doggos.!!convertghost
Help, a ghost. This command will convert your text into ghost emojis, but don’t worry. They aren’t scary.!!convertheart
Wow, I’m in love with this command. Running this command will insert hearts in your texts spaces and convert your letters into Badly Drawn Letters emojis.!!convertonho
Oh no, Does this command work? Running this command will convert your text into OhNo emojis.!!convertwumpus
All hail wumpus! Running this command will turn your text into Wumpus letters!
Is the prefix!!
not cool enough for you? Running this command with your new prefix will change the prefix for your server. (Note that you need the Manage Server permission)
Do you have a super good idea for the bot? Use this command to send a suggestion straight to the developers.!!bugreport
Have you found a bug that you think we should fix? Use this command to send a bug report straight to the developers.