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Boombox Boombox#6183
Boombox is a free and open source music bot for Discord


Boombox is a free, open source, music bot for Discord for playing from YouTube or Spotify. It can load media from Spotify songs, albums and playlists, as well as YouTube videos or playlists.


Command Name Usage Description
Play /play [song name, youtube or spotify link] This will find the song from youtube or spotify and start playing. If there is something currently playing it will add it to the queue.
Skip /skip Will skip the currently playing song.
Stop /stop Will stop currently playing song and delete the queue.
Now Playing /np Displays what song is currently playing.
Queue /queue Displays the first 20 songs in the queue.
Volume /volume Setโ€™s the volume. Use a number between 1 and 100.
Invite /invite Sends an invite link for the bot.
Playlist /playlist [youtube playlist url or spotify album or playlist] This command will add all songs from a youtube playlist or spotify album or playlist into the queue.
Pause /pause Will pause the song that is currently playing.
Remove /remove [position in queue] Will remove that song from the queue.
Shuffle /shuffle Shuffles the current queue.
Seek /seek [time e.g 1m 30s] Goes to that time point in the song.