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AniBot AniBot#1538
ab! (customizable)
Create your very own Anime List on Discord. Add and rate anime, track the ones airing, receive anime news updates, and much, much more.
Owner: TheSongList Prefix: ab! (customizable)

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Welcome to AniBot!

AniBot offers a variety of features. You might ask what of it, woah, slow down for a sec shawn!

AniBot can notify you when a new episode for an anime starts airing. AniBot will send anime-related news directly to your Discord channel. And much, much more.

But, let’s not forget the main feature of the bot, creating an anime list! You can easily add or remove any anime(s) you’ve watched or are planning to watch directly the bot, allowing you to easily keep track of all the episodes and anime(s) that you’ve seen or are planning to.

To get started with the bot, use the ab!help command. This will get the command list to show up, which might help you dummies figure things out.

Adding Anime

To add an anime to your list, help yourself with the ab!add command. An example of it would be - -> ab!add one piece -> [Select the number in the list shown above , ex. 1 , 2 , 3…] -> Answer the query [Number of episodes seen , Ratings , blah blah.]

And there you go, first entry done! Congratulations!


A few examples of some other commands which might come in handy

  • ab!news - To give a brief insight on all the anime-related news!
  • ab!airing - Will show all the airing anime! (Note. Seasonal and Non-Seasonal ones)
  • ab!genres - Will show all the available genres! (Note. all popular genres)