Server admin commands:
/colour-role add <role>
Add a role to the list of roles that are allowed to change their own colour!
/colour-role remove <role>
Remove a role previously added to the list of allowed roles!
/colour-role list
See the current list of roles!
All of these require the Manage Roles
Make sure the role you’re adding already has a colour before you add it!
User commands:
/colour-me random
Change your role colour to a random colour!!
/colour-me colour <hexcode>
Change your role colour to a specific hex code!
That’s this, you’re reading it!
Planned features:
In the near future it is planned to have functionality to allow admins and optionally users to create their own coloured roles automatically.
Privacy Policy: https://colour-me.erisa.uk/privacy
Support: https://discord.gg/5eTcNpqPph
Add the bot to your server: https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=702660517617205248&permissions=268435456&scope=bot%20applications.commands
Made with đź’ť by Erisa and the help of her wonderful friends.