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BobTheBot BobTheBot#1426
A bot for ๐ŸŽฒ RNG, new ๐Ÿ“œ fonts, ๐Ÿ”’ encryption, ๐ŸŽฎ games, and โœจ more!


โค๏ธ Make your server feel closer!

Bob loves to make people feel connected with tons of friendly features such as /hug, /hi, /poll, and more. Plus if you want to spice things up you can use /ship to determine how good of a match people could make (according to the universe), or if you are too shy to tell someone how you really feel you can use /confess to have Bob send DM with your handwritten message!

๐Ÿ–Š๏ธ The best quote system!

Making memories is important and with /quote new you can do just that! Bob will automatically format the message, and dynamically let you know how long ago a quote was made. On top of that, you can add tags for searching through specific types of quotes.

โœจ Stand out!

Use /fonts, to transform your text into something that is guaranteed to grab usersโ€™ attention., or use /encrypt to secure your message.

๐ŸŽฎ Play games!

With multiple games to choose from like /rock-paper-scissors, /tic-tac-toe, /trivia, /master-mind, and only more on the way, Bob is ready to keep provide your server with the entertainment it needs to thrive.

๐Ÿ–จ๏ธ Automatically do things!

With commands like /auto preview-messages and /auto preview-github you can see the contents of a message, code file, pull request, or issue without ever leaving the channel they were shared in. Plus, you donโ€™t need to worry about publishing messages in news channels with /auto publish-announcements.

๐ŸŽฒ All the RNG!

Bob has a plethora of random commands to either fuel your Dungeons and Dragons experience like /random dice-roll, or simply cure your boredom with /random 8ball, /random dad-joke, /random fact, and many more!

๐Ÿค– Easily confused? no worries!

Bob has many features built in to ensure that you never get stuck. Give an invalid input to a command? Fear not as Bob will let you know, and inform you about valid inputs.

All Commands

Bob The Bot has many features all of which are /slash commands for ease of use! You can visit to get more in-depth information.

๐ŸŽฒ RNG (randomly generated) commands:

  • /random color Get a color with Hex, CMYK, HSL, HSV and RGB codes.
  • /random dice-roll [sides] Roll a die with a specified # of sides.
  • /random coin-toss Flip a coin.
  • /random quote [prompt] Get a random quote.
    • [prompt] choices: use /quote-prompts to view all valid prompts.
  • /random dad-joke Get a random dad joke.
  • /random fact Get an outrageous fact.
  • /random 8ball [prompt] Get an 8 ball response to a prompt.
  • /random dog Get a random picture of a dog.
  • /random date [earliestYear] [latestYear] Get a random date between the inputted years.
  • /random advice Get a random piece of advice.
  • /random choose [option]*5 Bob will pick from the options provided.

๐ŸŽฎ Game commands:

  • trivia [opponent] Play a game of trivia with or without someone.
  • /tic-tac-toe [opponent] Play Bob or a user in a game of Tic Tac Toe.
  • /rock-paper-scissors [opponent] Play Bob or a user in a game of Rock Paper Scissors.
  • /master-mind new-game Play a game of Master Mind, the rules will shared upon usage.
  • /master-mind guess Make a guess in a game of Master Mind.

๐Ÿ‘ค Profile Commands

  • /profile display [user] Displays the specified userโ€™s profile.
  • /profile set-color [color] Sets your profile color.
  • /profile badge-info [badge] Shows how to unlock the given badge.

๐Ÿ–Š๏ธ Quoting commands:

  • /quote new [quote] [user] [tag]*3 Formats and shares the quote in designated channel.
  • /quote channel [channel] Sets the quote channel for the server.
  • /quote set-max-length [length] Sets the maximum length of quotes for the server.
  • /quote set-min-length [length] Sets the minimum length of quotes for the server.

๐Ÿ‘‹ Welcome commands:

  • /welcome toggle [welcome] Bob will send welcome messages to new server members.
  • /welcome set-message [message] Set a custom message to welcome new users with.
  • /welcome remove-message Bob will stop using the custom message to welcome users.

๐Ÿ”’ Encryption commands:

  • /encrypt a1z26 [message] Encrypts your message by swapping letters to their corresponding number.
  • /encrypt atbash [message] Encrypts your message by swapping letters to their opposite position.
  • /encrypt caesar [message] [shift] Encrypts your message by shifting the letters the specified amount.
  • /encrypt morse [message] Encrypts your message using Morse code.
  • /encrypt vigenere [message] [key] Encrypts your message using a specified key.

๐Ÿ”“ Decryption commands:

  • /decrypt a1z26 [message] Decrypts your message by swapping letters to their corresponding number.
  • /decrypt atbash [message] Decrypts your message by swapping letters to their opposite position.
  • /decrypt caesar [message] [shift] Decrypts your message by shifting the letters the specified amount.
  • /decrypt morse [message] Decrypts your message using Morse code.
  • /decrypt vigenere [message] [key] Decrypts your message using a specified key.

โœจ Miscellaneous commands:

  • /fonts [text] [font] Change your text to a different font.
    • [font] choices: ๐–’๐–Š๐–‰๐–Ž๐–Š๐–›๐–†๐–‘, ๐“ฏ๐“ช๐“ท๐“ฌ๐”‚, ๐• ๐•ฆ๐•ฅ๐•๐•š๐•Ÿ๐•–๐••, sฬทlฬทฬทaฬทsฬทhฬทeฬทdฬท, ษŸืŸฤฑddวp, and ๐Ÿ„ฑ๐Ÿ„พ๐Ÿ…‡๐Ÿ„ด๐Ÿ„ณ.
  • /confess [message] [user] [signoff] Have Bob DM a user a message.
  • /announce [title] [description] [color] Have a fancy embed message sent.
  • /poll [prompt] [option]*4 Create a poll.
  • /ship [user]*2 See how good of a match 2 users are.
  • /hug [user]*5 Show your friends some love with a hug.
  • /hi Say hi to Bob.

๐Ÿ”Ž Preview commands:

  • /preview code [link] Preview specific lines of code from a file on GitHub.
  • /preview pull-request [link] Preview a pull request from GitHub right on Discord.
  • /preview issue [link] Preview an issue from GitHub right on Discord.
  • /preview message [link] Preview a Discord message from any server Bob is in.

๐Ÿ–จ๏ธ Auto commands:

  • /auto publish-announcements [publish] [channel] Bob will publish all messages sent in the given channel.
  • /auto preview-github [preview] Bob will preview all valid GitHub links in the server.
  • /auto preview-messages [preview] Bob will preview all valid Discord message links in the server.

โš–๏ธ Automod commands:

  • /automod phone-numbers [strict] Add phone number auto moderation. Prevent phone numbers from being sent in this server.
  • /automod links Add link auto moderation. Prevent links from being sent in this server.
  • /automod zalgo-text Add zalgo-text auto moderation. Prevent glitchy text from being sent in this server.
  • /automod bad-words Add bad word auto moderation. Prevent bad words from being sent in this server.
  • /automod invite-links Add invite link auto moderation. Prevent invites from being sent in this server.

๐Ÿ—„๏ธ Informational / help commands:

  • /premium Ensures Bob knows you have premium! If not you will be given a button to get it!
  • /help Get DMed information for all commands.
  • /new See the latest updates to Bob.
  • /quote-prompts See all valid prompts for /random quote.
  • /ping Find the clientโ€™s latency.
  • /analyze-link See where a link will take you, and check for rick rolls.
  • /info Learn about Bob.
  • /support Sends an invite to Bobโ€™s support Server.