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EmoteBot EmoteBot#6882
EmoteBot: Browse and add emotes to your Discord server from BetterTTV and FrankerFaceZ
Owner: TheDevFreak Prefix: $emote

EmoteBot is a Discord bot which allows you to easily search for and browse emotes from BetterTwitchTV and FrankerFaceZ, you can also very easily add emotes found using the bot to your server with a simple reaction to the message.


$emote help - View help for all below commands inside Discord easily!

$emote bttv browse - This command allows you to browse all emotes (52,000+) found on BetterTwitchtV

$emote bttv search - This command allows you to search for specific emotes on BTTV and add them to your server.

$emote ffz search - This command allows you to search for specific emotes on FrankerFaceZ and add them to your server.

$emote ffz channel - This command allows you to browse all FFZ emotes associated with a specific channel.