![Bot icon](https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/714524944783900794/f62af5fbd45014ac3cfeb265149bd5fb.png?size=512)
Game stats
Game stats#6975
This bot is made to get the current stats of games like Battlefield 2, bad company 2, 3, 4, hardline, 1, 5 and 2042 as reaction in the chat.
Data for Battlefield 2 is retrieved from the two revive projects: BF2Hub and PlayBF2.
Data for Battlefield 2142 is retrieved from the BF2142 Reclamation project.
All other titles are still managed by EA/Dice.
If you want to support us: paypal.me/iiTzArcur or https://github.com/sponsors/community-network
If you discover any issues or have suggestions for new features, post them in the Community Network Discord: https://discord.gg/xTkmpxFXDy
Need access to the api: https://api.gametools.network/docs