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PokéHunt PokéHunt#0608
Pokehunt is a Pokémon bot that let's it's players to catch, hunt, trade, sell & battle their favorite Pokémon (like pokecord)!

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How to use the bot?


Start your journey choosing any of the starters you want! Pick a starter


When you send messages in a channel, at a random moment a Pokémon will spawn. You can catch it by typing .catch Pokémon, and get hints for the name by typing .hint. Pokémon spawn


Every 10 minutes you can hunt a Pokémon. You can see which one you have hunted, and you can choose if you want to keep it, or release it. Pokémon being hunted


You have different quests to complete, if you complete a quest you will get a reward. Quests example


If you want to sell your pokemon but don't want to limit it's price unlike market & want people have a outbidding competition over it you can use the auction commands! Pokémon on auction list


You can use the market commands to buy & sell Pokémons. For finding Pokémons that you would like to buy, you can always use the market search command with the query that matches your interest! Pokémon on market


Trade you pokémons for other players pokémon, credits or even redeems using the trade command! Trade command response


Enable/Disable/Change things as per your demand. Configure the bot easily with the settings command! Settings command response



botinfo Get information about the bot
catch Catch a Pokémon
help Get help (for a command)
hint Get a hint for the Pokémon name
invite Get our invite links
profile Check your profile card
release Release a Pokémon
select Select a Pokémon
start Pick a starter


dex Check pokedex information for a Pokémon
info Get info about a Pokémon
nickname Give a Pokémon a nickname
pokedex View the pokedex and gain credits for catching new species of Pokémon
pokemon Check all your Pokémon


auction View/Manage/Bid/Find Pokémon auctions
balance Check your balance
buy Buy stones, bracelets, forms & rare candies for your Pokémon
daily Get a certain amount of credits daily
redeem See how much redeems you have
gift Gift a user a redeem
hunt Hunt a random pokemon
market View/Manage/Buy/Find Pokémon on the market
pay Pay a user some credits
quests See your quests and rewards
redeemcredits Redeem 15,000 credits for 1 redeem
redeemspawn Spawn a Pokémon for 1 redeem
shop View the items you can buy from the shop
trade Trade Pokémon, redeems, or credits with another user


redirect Redirect all Pokémon spaws to 1 channel
setprefix Set a custom prefix
settings Check your settings