Bot icon
EpicGamer EpicGamer#5465
This bot has various commands for Fortnite, such as grabbing weapon stats. It also allows you to setup an automated item shop channel!
Owner: vb Prefix: !

This bot has various commands for Fortnite, such as grabbing weapon stats. This bot will also allow you to set up an automated item shop channel, which posts as soon as a new Fortnite Item Shop is out!

Commands List:


!help Displays help command.

!ping Displays useful bot information and stats.

Item Shop

!autoshop This command allows you to automatically post an image of the Fortnite Item Shop in your server as soon as a new shop is out.

β€£ To enable the bot do: !autoshop enable #chanelName, replacing #channelName with the channel of your choice.

β€£ To disable the bot do: !autoshop disable.

!buildshop This command allows you to easily customize and build your own item shop image!

!shop This command sends an image of the current item shop.


!aes This command allows you to grab the main AES key from various 3rd party endpoints.

!egtoken Generates a generic client credentials token. This token is not linked to any account, and can be used for various Epic APIs.