Bot icon
Sandy Sandy#6363
Sandy is a multipurpose bot with easy access, these involve Moderation, Informations, Photoshop, Minecraft, Utilities and fun.
Owner: light Prefix: s-

🌸 Get started with SANDY 🌸

Sandy is a multipurpose bot with easy access, ready to improve your server.



  • s-kick @user/ID (reason) -> Sandy will kick a user (Permission “kick_members” is required).
  • s-ban @user/ID (reason) -> Sandy will ban a user (Permission “ban_members” is required).
  • s-listbans -> Sandy will show you banned users (Permission “ban_members” is required).
  • s-unban ID -> Sandy will forgive the user (Permission “ban_members” is required).
  • s-clear (Number from 2 to 100) -> Sandy will clear the chat (Permission “manage_messages” is required).


  • s-hug @user -> Give someone a hug.
  • s-kiss @user -> Give someone a kiss.
  • s-slap @user -> Give someone a slap.
  • s-highfive @user -> Give someone a highfive.
  • s-pat @user -> Give someone a pat.
  • s-wink @user -> Give someone a wink.
  • s-ship @user @user -> See if a couple would work or not.
  • s-duck -> Sandy will show you pictures of ducks.
  • s-dog -> Sandy will show you pictures of dogs.
  • s-cat -> Sandy will show you pictures of cats.
  • s-fox -> Sandy will show you pictures of foxes.
  • s-panda -> Sandy will show you pictures of pandas.
  • s-birb -> Sandy will show you pictures of birds.


  • s-serverinfo -> Sandy will show information about the server.
  • s-userinfo @user -> Sandy will show information about the user.
  • s-avatar @user -> Sandy will show the user’s avatar.
  • s-avatarserver -> Sandy will show the server avatar.
  • s-invite -> Sandy will show her invitation.
  • s-ping -> Sandy will show her ping.
  • s-botinfo -> Sandy will show her informations.
  • s-uptime -> Sandy will show how long her have been online.
  • s-covid -> Sandy will show the Covid-19 statistics.
  • s-covcountry (Country) -> Sandy will shows Covid-19 statistics for a specific country.


  • s-supreme (Text) -> Sandy will put your message in the supreme font.
  • s-achievement (Text) -> Sandy will put your message on a minecraft achievement.
  • s-captcha (Text) -> Sandy will put your message in a captcha.
  • s-facts (Text) -> Sandy will put your message in a fact book.
  • s-calling (Text) -> Sandy will put your message on a call.
  • s-challenge (Text) -> Sandy will put your message on a minecraft challenge.
  • s-scroll (Text) -> Sandy will put your message on a scroll.
  • s-comment (Text) -> Sandy will put your message on a youtube comment.
  • s-beautiful @user -> Sandy will put someone’s photo in the “this is beautiful” meme.
  • s-triggered @user -> Sandy will put someone’s photo TRIGGERED.


  • s-skin (Name of a minecraft user) -> Sandy will show the skin of a minecraft user.
  • s-body (Name of a minecraft user) -> Sandy will show the body skin of a minecraft user.
  • s-head (Name of a minecraft user) -> Sandy will show the head skin of a minecraft user.
  • s-cubehead (Name of a minecraft user) -> Sandy will show the cubehead skin of a minecraft user.
  • s-bust (Name of a minecraft user) -> Sandy will show the bust skin of a minecraft user.


  • s-say (Message) -> Sandy will say something (Permission “manage_messages” is required).
  • s-help -> Sandy will show you everything.