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Custom Commands Custom Commands#4724
** (Customizable)
A bot that allows you to make custom commands as many as you want. That can send embed, text, give role, remove role, toggle role
Owner: Shahriyar Prefix: ** (Customizable)

Python Discord

Custom commands

A bot that allows you to make custom commands as many as you want. That can send embed, text, give role, remove role, toggle role

Detailed help can be found on official docs Here

Type of commands

  1. Embed (Highly customizable)
  2. Text
  3. Give role (Manage role required)
  4. Remove role (Manage role required)
  5. Toggle role (Manage role required)

Other features

  1. Poll (Make a poll)
  2. Vote (Make a vote which finished after defined time)


Things that can be changed of a type of command

  1. Embed

    1. title
    2. description
    3. thumbnail
    4. image
  2. Content of text command

  3. Change role of any role related command

Command prefix also can be changed. You will find help regarding any command and customization on the bot help (**help)

Finding any command but not available in this bot? Join support server and tell me your suggestion. Will be added ASAP