Mio is a TeamSpeak-oriented voice bot, through which you can create your own voice channels with the associated text channel.
The simple moderation makes Mio to a perfect voice bot.
Available admin commands:
>help - Returns a list of all available commands for Mio.
>setup - Creates the master voice-channel. Upon users joining, an own voice- and textchannel will be created for them.
>setemoji EMOJI - Sets the emoji prefix for the private voice- and textchannels.
Available user commands:
>help - Returns a list of all available commands for Mio.
>slots NUMBER - Sets the specified user limit for your voice- and textchannel.
>name CHANNELNAME - Updates the name of your voice- and textchannel.
>kick @USERNAME - Kicks the specified user from your voice- and textchannel.
Important: To run the setup you need to have manage guild/manage channel rights.