Official event notifications will be posted in official-events by default if it exists.
Change this to another channel with /set event_channel.
(Make sure Pokévents has the Send Messages permission for the channel)
Use /set event_channel in DMs to get notifications DM’d to you.
(Must allow DMs from non friends)
These roles will be pinged if they exist for each event.
PvE, OU, UU, NU, Doubles, LC, TT
/setup_role_reactions will create the roles and post a role reaction message.
Use /toggle_unofficial_lc to get unofficial LC event notifications.
Command Options
<> = required
[] = optional
Main Commands:
/set event_channel [Channel ID]
/next_event [type]
/setup_role_reactions [Force]
/guide <Guide name (autofill)>
/mod <Mod name (autofill)>
Dex Commands:
/location <Location>
/pokemon <Pokemon Name>
/randoms <Pokemon Name>
/training <type>
/tiers <tier>
/pokesearch [too many options to list]
/eggmove <Pokemon Name> [Alpha?] [Egg Move]
/egglink <EggGroup1> <EggGroup2>
/cycle [Cycle #]