Pokevents is a bot for Official PokeMMO event notifications and other useful tools.
Official events will be posted in channel named official-events by default if it exists.
This can be changed to another channel with /set event_channel command.
Use set event_channel in DMs to get notifications DM’d to you.
(you need to have DMs enabled from non friends)
These roles will be pinged if they exist for each event.
OU, UU, NU, Doubles, TT, PvE
Twitch notifications are now available for your favorite PokeMMO streamers.
Command Options
<> = required
[] = optional
Main Commands:
/set event_channel [Channel ID]
/pokemon <Pokemon Name>
/pokedex [move] [ability] [item]
/location <Location>
/eggmove <Pokemon Name> [Egg Move]
/egglink <EggGroup1> <EggGroup2>
/cycle [Cycle #]
Other Commands
/feedback <Message>
Twitch Commands
/set stream_channel [Channel ID]
/twitch subscribe <Streamer Name>
/twitch unsubscribe <Streamer Name>
/twitch list
/twitch is_live <Streamer Name>