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Tataru Tataru#7255
tataru , tat, hey tataru
A Final Fantasy 14 (FFXIV) Discord Bot that mainly deals with retrieving data from community sites.
Owner: Calad Prefix: tataru , tat, hey tataru

Tataru only requires minimal permissions (send/read messages, embed links, add reactions) to function.

If you run into any issues/bugs contact me through dms at CaladWoDestroyer#9313 or join the support server.

Features included:

  • Mirapri (retrieving user submitted glamours)
  • FFLogs (retrieving tier/encounter/zone logs and user/free company pages)
  • Gamerscape (retrieving image files and pages)

Commands List

Info: Bot prefixes are suffixed with a space eg. tataru bot mention also works as a prefix. In this command list < > refers to a required argument, [ ] is optional, do not actually type these.
“--“ denotes a flag for an argument eg. --flagname argument

(note: this list is not exhaustive for command arguments accepted for commands of category FFlogs, and subcommands for the commands encounterlogs, logs are omitted as they’re similar to the tierlogs command)


Command and Aliases Description Usage
mirapi, mi The main command for mirapi by itself returns glamours on the main page tataru mirapi
acceptable_flags, af Returns acceptable arguments that can be passed as flags for equipment and filters commands tataru acceptable_flags
getjobids, gji Returns acceptable job ids for the --j flag tataru getjobids
getraceids, gri Returns acceptable race ids for the --r flag tataru getraceids

mirapi (command)

Sub Command and Aliases Description Example Usage
filters, f, filter Returns glamours based on flags (--r, --g, --j) tataru mirapi filters --r <4> --g <f> --j <war>, tataru mirapi filters --r <lalafell>
search, s, se The main command for retrieving glamours on mirapi based on a keyword tataru mirapi search <keyword>

search (command)

Sub Command and Aliases Description Example Usage
filters, f, filter Returns glamours based on a keyword with optional flags (--r, --g, --j) tataru mirapi search filters <詩人らしく> --r <4> --g <f> --j <war>, tataru mirapi search filters --r <lalafell>
equipment, eq Returns glamours based on equipment name with optional flags (--r, --g, --j) tataru mirapi search equipment <no.2 type b boots> --r <4> --g <f> --j <war>, tataru mirapi search equipment <cotton kurta> --r <lalafell>


Command and Aliases Description Example Usage
iam Save a character tataru iam <world> <forename> <surname>
portrait, por Returns a character’s lodestone portrait tataru portrait <world> <forename> <surname>, tataru portrait, tataru portrait <@user>


Command and Aliases Description Example Usage
gamerscape_image_find, gif Search for an image on gamerscape by filename tataru gif <name>
gamerscape_image_search, gis Retrieves image names on gamerscape by filename supports tataru gis <name>
gamerscape_search, gs Retrieves pages on gamerscape based on the query tataru gs <query>

gamerscape_image_search (command)

Sub Command and Aliases Description Example Usage
glam Retrieves images for glamour on gamerscape by filename supports unix pattern matching, with optional flags (--g, --r, --c) tataru gis glam <no.2 type b boots>, tataru gis glam <no.2 type b boots> --r <lalafell> --g <female>, tataru gis glam win* --c <weapons>

glam (command)

Sub Command and Aliases Description Example Usage
random, r The main command for returning random pieces of glamour tataru gis glam random

random (command)

Sub Command and Aliases Description Example Usage
aura, liz, lizzer, lizzard return only random au ra pieces tat gis glam random aura
elezen elf, giraffe return only random elezen pieces tat gis glam random elezen
hrothgar, ronso, furry return only random elezen pieces tat gis glam random hrothgar
hyur, hume return only random hyur pieces tat gis glam random hyur
lalafell, lala, potato return only random lalafell pieces tat gis glam random lalafell
miqote, miqo, uwukiteh, catgirl, cat return only random miqo’te pieces tat gis glam random miqote
roegadyn, roe, galdjent return only random roegadyn pieces tat gis glam random roegadyn
viera, vii, bunny, bunbun return only random viera pieces tat gis glam random viera


Command and Aliases Description Example Usage
encounterlogs, el, encounter returns all parses for an encounter by name as found on fflogs tataru el <shadowkeeper> <world> <forename> <surname>, tataru el <e10n> <@User>, tataru el <"cloud of darkness">
search search for a player or free company and retrieve their fflogs page tataru search <Calad Baal>
tierlogs, tl Displays raid parses for the current expansion’s raid tier tataru tierlogs, tataru tierlogs <@User>, tataru tierlogs <world> <forename> <surname>
logs, l returns all parses for a zone by name as found on fflogs tataru logs 'Eden's Promise', tataru logs 'Eden's Promise' <@User>, tataru logs 'Eden's Promise' <world> <forename> <surname>

tierlogs (command)

Sub Command and Aliases Description Example Usage
best, b Displays best raid parses for the current expansion’s content tataru tierlogs best, tataru tierlogs best <@User>, tataru tierlogs best <world> <forename> <surname>

best (command)

Sub Command and Aliases Description Example Usage
adps sets the metric for rankings to adps tataru tierlogs best adps, tataru tierlogs best adps <@User>, tataru tierlogs best adps <world> <forename> <surname>