Rosie is a customizable multi-functional Discord Bot with some fun, ticket moderation, and utility commands.
Users can also create and close tickets using reactable embeds.
Command | Use | Example | Variables | Category |
help | Shows the help menu. | /rosie help | None |
๐น General |
info | Shows information about this bot. | /rosie info | None |
๐น General |
value | Configure the bot. | /rosie config no_chat true | <argument> <value> |
๐น General |
config | Shows the current bot configuration. | /rosie config | None |
๐น General |
new | Creates a new ticket channel for the user. | /ticket new @FaeScout User needs help. | <@User> <reason> |
๐น Tickets |
add | Adds the user to the ticket channel. | /ticket add @RockinChaos | <@User> |
๐น Tickets |
rename | Renames the ticket channel. | /ticket rename bug_help | <name> |
๐น Tickets |
close | Closes the ticket channel. | /ticket close Question Answered. | <reason> |
๐น Tickets |
reaction_ticket | Sends a reactable message used to create tickets. | /ticket reaction_ticket | None |
๐น Tickets |
Additional commands can be found by typing /rosie help in the Discord server. |
Value | Use | Example | Variables | Category |
reset | Resets the Bot Configuration. | /rosie config reset confirm | confirm |
๐ธ General |
no_chat | Reminds the user not to chat in the reaction channel. | /rosie config no_chat true | <boolean> |
๐ธ General |
embed_color | Sets the Embed Message(s) color of the Bot. | /rosie config embed_color #fcba03 | <#hexcolor> |
๐ธ General |
activity_logs | Channel to save bot activity logs. | /rosie config activity_logs #mod-logs | <#Channel> |
๐ธ General |
ticket_logs | Channel to save ticket logs. | /rosie config ticket_logs #ticket-logs | <#Channel> |
๐ธ Tickets |
logs_user | Sets the logs to be sent to the ticket creator. | /rosie config logs_user true | <boolean> |
๐ธ Tickets |
ticket_category | Sets the categtory to create ticket channels. | /rosie config ticket_category Server Support | <category> |
๐ธ Tickets |
ticket_embed | Channel to save ticket logs. | /rosie config ticket_embed Thanks\nfor\nncreating! | <message> |
๐ธ Tickets |
reaction_embed | Custom message for the Reaction Embed. | /rosie config ticket_logs React with\n:ticket-open:! | <message> |
๐ธ Tickets |
reaction_confirm | Require user confirmation to close the ticket. | /rosie config reaction_confirm true | <boolean> |
๐ธ Tickets |
purge_delay | Purge messages from the Reaction channel, set to -1 to disable. | /rosie config purge_delay 3600 | <integer> |
๐ธ Tickets |
role | Role allowed to iteract with the ticket, set to none to disable. | /rosie config role @Admin | <@Role> |
๐ธ Tickets |
ping_role | Ping the Role when a ticket is created. | /rosie config ping_role true | <boolean> |
๐ธ Tickets |
ping_user | Ping the user when their ticket channel is open. | /rosie config ping_user true | <boolean> |
๐ธ Tickets |
max_tickets | Max allowed active tickets a user can create. | /rosie config max_tickets 10 | <integer> |
๐ธ Tickets |
lifo_queue | Sets the ticket queue be created on top of the old tickets. | /rosie config lifo_queue true | <boolean> |
๐ธ Tickets |
schedule_delete | Waits x second(s) to delete the ticket channel, set to -1 to disable. | /rosie config schedule_delete 800 | <integer> |
๐ธ Tickets |
close_inactive | Closes an inactive ticket after 48 hour(s). | /rosie config close_inactive true | <boolean> |
๐ธ Tickets |
close_empty | Closes an empty ticket, set to -1 to disable. | /rosie config close_empty 1300 | <integer> |
๐ธ Tickets |
force_reason | Ticket cannot be opened or closed without a specified reason. | /rosie config force_reason true | <boolean> |
๐ธ Tickets |
Additional arguments can be found by typing /rosie help rosie config in the Discord server. |