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Phoenixx Phoenixx#2906
Phoenix is a Discord Bot that comes with many features like Mod, Color roles system, Fun and more!


110+ commands and counting across 8 different categories!

Administration: A huge amount of settings to customize with commands like setprefix, setwelcomemessage, and setverificationrole

Moderation: Commands such as kick, ban, and mute to assist your moderator staff

Fun & Games: Tons of fun commands like trivia, meme, emojify, and a variety of animal pic commands like cat, dog, and fox

Information: Commands like userinfo and serverinfo for general utility

Points: A unique points system with a rotating winner that has commands like leaderboard, givepoints, and crown

Color: Change your Discord color with commands like color, createcolor and randomcolor

Owner: Owner specific commands like eval and servers

Miscellaneous: All other commands like feedback and bugreport

Phoenix also comes packed with a variety of features, such as:

Auto role assignment

Server verification via reactions

Welcome messages and farewell messages

Logging for mod commands and various events

Moderator only channels

A starboard

Auto kicking when a warn limit is reached

Auto random colors when members join

Per command disabling

And much more! There are over 30+ settings to tweak!